
6 Ereignisse in der Geschichte

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Wann ist/sind Wichtiges Datum 6 Ereignisse in der Geschichte?:
Mittwoch, 15. März 2023
Weitere Informationen zum Termin:
(20 Jahre) 2003 Hu Jintao becomes President of the People's Republic of China.

(70 Jahre) 1953 LPGA Titleholders Championship Women's Golf, Augusta CC: Patty Berg wins her 5th Titleholders title by 9 strokes from Betsy Rawls.

(100 Jahre) 1923 Vladimir Lenin suffer his 3rd stroke.

(110 Jahre) 1913 1st US presidential press conference (Woodrow Wilson).

(240 Jahre) 1783 In an emotional speech in Newburgh, New York, George Washington asks his officers not to support the Newburgh Conspiracy. The plea is successful and the threatened coup d'etat never takes place.

(530 Jahre) 1493 Christopher Columbus returns to Spain after his first voyage to the New World.

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Wikipedia content re-released under CC-BY-SA.
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch