
6 Ereignisse in der Geschichte

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Wann ist/sind Wichtiges Datum 6 Ereignisse in der Geschichte?:
Samstag, 11. Februar 2023
Weitere Informationen zum Termin:
(30 Jahre) 1993 President Clinton selects Janet Reno to be first female US Attorney General.

(40 Jahre) 1983 Single "Total Eclipse of the Heart" sung by Bonnie Tyler and composed by Jim Steinman is released.

(40 Jahre) 1983 "Weird Al" Yankovic records "Ricky" & "Buckingham Blues" debut LP.

(80 Jahre) 1943 US General Eisenhower selected to command the allied armies in Europe; British General Montgomery not best pleased.

(120 Jahre) 1903 US Congress adopts the Expedition Act, which authorizes the Attorney General to 'expedite' anti-trust cases through the courts, reflecting growing popular support for President Theodore Roosevelt's "trust busting" campaign.

(480 Jahre) 1543 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V and English King Henry VIII sign anti-French covenant.

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Wikipedia content re-released under CC-BY-SA.
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch