
4 Ereignisse in der Geschichte

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Wann ist/sind Wichtiges Datum 4 Ereignisse in der Geschichte?:
Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2022
Weitere Informationen zum Termin:
(60 Jahre) 1962 Black Saturday during the Cuban Missile Crisis: An American spy plane is shot down over Cuba and the navy drops warning depth charges on Soviet submarines.

(100 Jahre) 1922 In Italy, Liberal Luigi Facta resigns in the face of threats from Mussolini that 'either the Government will be given to us or we will seize it by marching on Rome'.

(340 Jahre) 1682 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is founded by Englishman William Penn.

(1710 Jahre) 312 Roman Emperor Constantine the Great is said to have received his famous Vision of the Cross.

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Wikipedia content re-released under CC-BY-SA.
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch