
3 Ereignisse in der Geschichte

Die wichtigsten Termine im Überblick, hier: 3 Ereignisse in der Geschichte.
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Wann ist/sind Wichtiges Datum 3 Ereignisse in der Geschichte?:
Dienstag, 10. Mai 2022
Weitere Informationen zum Termin:
(40 Jahre) 1982 WABC NYC plays its last record (John Lennon's Imagine).

(70 Jahre) 1952 5th Cannes Film Festival: "The Tragedy of Othello: The Moor of Venice" directed by Orson Welles and "Two Cents Worth of Hope" directed by Renato Castellani jointly awarded the Grand Prix du Festival International du Film.

(150 Jahre) 1872 Victoria Woodhull becomes 1st woman nominated for US presidency by Equal Rights Party at Apollo Hall, NYC.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Wikipedia content re-released under CC-BY-SA.
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch