
4 Ereignisse in der Geschichte

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Wann ist/sind Wichtiges Datum 4 Ereignisse in der Geschichte?:
Montag, 21. Oktober 2024
Weitere Informationen zum Termin:
(60 Jahre) 1964 Film version of "My Fair Lady" directed by George Cukor and starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn premieres in New York (Academy Awards Best Picture 1965).

(60 Jahre) 1964 Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia runs a world record 2:12:11.2 to beat Briton Basil Heatley by more than 4 minutes and win the men's marathon at the Tokyo Olympics; first athlete to win Olympic marathon twice.

(70 Jahre) 1954 Dorothy Parker/Arnaud d'Usseau's "Ladies of the Corridor" premieres.

(170 Jahre) 1854 Florence Nightingale with a staff of 38 nurses is sent to the Crimean War.

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Wichtiges Datum - Historisch
Wichtiges Datum - Historisch